Kyemen Partners Page > Kyemen Baby Online

Welcome To The No. 1 Stop Shop For All Baby And Mum Items In Ghana. Order Online Or Visit Our Showroom At Adenta Frafraha, Accra. Call 0559430784 / 0540470145

Kyemen Partners Page

Who we are: Kyemen Baby Online is the No. 1 online Store for Baby & Mum. We specialize in unique but affordable baby products. We use a solution based approach to meeting your baby needs. So we have in-house experts who can help you counsel you to make the right decisions. Our office is located at Adenta frafraha- Prisons Junction.


You love our Brand, its time to earn money as a kyemen partner or a brand ambassador. Join our affiliate program. Your friends, family, work colleagues, your clients  are giving birth left and right. You can point them to the right place to get items and we reward you for your effort. Now that you know our brand you can recommend us to them.

Who Can Be Part: Our existing, future customers or anyone who wants to earn  shop credits so they can use to buy later on. It's effortless and doesn't take so much of your time.

Commission: You earn 5% commission on orders  above GHC 500 EXCLUDING baby food and diapers of those who buy with your code or referral link as store credit which can be used for buying items. The code can be used either in store or online. 


What does your friend Get: To encourage buying the person also gets 5% discount on his first  orders using your code.

What we need from you:  For you to partner with us so you can buy 

We will contact you and invite you to a zoom meeting at a later date.

Materials for Advertising

You can save these Images, edit and put  your Unique Code in the space provided and use it for advertising to draw customers 


Affiliates get 5% on orders above GH 500 made with their link excluding baby foods and diapers on the persons first order.