Recipes to Help Boost Your Sex Drive after Giving birth > Kyemen Baby Online

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Recipes to Help Boost Your Sex Drive after Giving birth


Getting your sex drive back to enjoy sex is difficult these are a few hacks from our mums

*Coconut+ date+ tiger nut* ( This the most powerful of all)

Watermelon+ ginger+ date

Coconut+ ginger+ date
Pineapple+ honey

Pineapple + probiotic yogurt

Watermelon+ lemon
You can be blending this juice and drinking them daily

Blend tiger nut, coconut and dates and drink
Eat mango, it increase libido in women
Eat guron tula, it also increases your urge for sex

You will also have to be doing vagina steaming with clove and Ada salt ones every week

You will add them together blend and seive into 500ml bottle and refrigerate and take them as snack. It should last 7 days in the fridge. So me I do 5 bottle, 1 bottle from

Blend tiger nut, coconut and dates and drink
Eat mango, it increase libido in women
Eat guron tula, it also increases your urge for sex

Monday to friday then it's finish the following week you do again. I mostly prepare it on Sundays.

1 comment

  • Thanks for the education but some of the comments are incomplete.

    Grace Asanwah Forson

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